Despite the presence of SA’s top professional road cyclist, Robert Hunter, and whole posse of SA’s top road pro’s “victory at the Ride Crater Cruise will still go to a mountain-biker,” says SA mountain-bike ace, Fritz Pienaar.

“In fact I’m quite sure of it; you could even say positive,” Pienaar continued.

“The first part of the course, around 70km, is open and fast and not too technical, and all the mountain-bikers will have to do is be clever and hang onto the pace until they get to the single track, technical section  where I anticipate that  one, two or even three, mountain-bikers will get away,” he explained.

“There are a few more quite technical sections after that, and I really can’t see the road guys staying with us over those,” added a very confident Pienaar.

However, the dusty roads around Parys will surely hold few fears for someone like Hunter, who relishes the traditional classic challenge of the Paris- Roubaix.

Anyone who has faced the “Hell of the North” in Europe might well find themselves thoroughly at home experiencing some red-hot racing in Africa’s largest comet crater.

The inaugural Ride Crater Cruise takes place on Saturday, October 16, and on-line entries can still be made at