Anriette Schoeman showed true form in the Eastern Province Inter Club Championships when she managed to finish first lady in the main bunch.

Being an inter-club event the ladies raced with the men and 10km into the race most of the women were already ridden off, courtesy of an attack by Conrad Viljoen from (Diamond Ice). Alta Havenga (Coimbra/Minolta) and Anriette Schoeman (Proline) managed to stay with the bunch chasing Viljoen.

Havenga missed a counter attack 13km into the race leaving Schoeman the only lady in the chasing bunch.

Schoeman showed fine form 45km into the race against the Little Wall climb when she led the men up the steep climb to close the gap on a group that had slipped off the front in pursuit of Viljoen.

Viljoen manage to stay in the lead to win in 1.47.26. Schoeman finished the 67km race in 1.51.12 in the main bunch with Alta Havenga 2nd in 2.03.05.