Young George Schoonraad’s super win in the recent Kormorant Classic, where he beat sprint kings, Jamie Ball and Malcolm Lange into second and third places respectively, has catapulted the Konica Minolta rider into the cycling limelight.
He rode in the junior category last year, but, sadly, owing to illness and a collision with a car, he was unable to produce results in South Africa.

He did, however, spend three months in Europe with the Minolta/Sure Youth Travel Junior team last year where he was able to fine-tune his considerable skills. He also won the Nola Challenge in 2004, beating fellow U23 sensation, Juan van Heerden (TuksPro) into second place.
This year, along with the team, his biggest objectives will be success on the international racing program, including the Tour of Morocco.

This turn of speed so early in the season came as something of a surprise, but it will not side-track his long term preparations for another  European  campaign , among other things.
Keep an eye out for this turbo-cyclist  from Konica Minolta for the rest of 2005.