Ronel van Wyk is all set to clinch a deal with a major sponsor to set up her own team for the 2005 season.

The East Rand sprinter confirmed “I have already got sponsors for the bikes and our supplements, and I am in negotiations with the team’s title sponsor. We should know within a few weeks.”

The former Liberty team leader was inexplicably dropped by Liberty’s new management at the end of 2004, and many enthusiasts will be relieved that she has not been lost to SA women’s cycling.

The women’s scene has blossomed over the past few years and the fierce rivalry between the top trio of Anriette Schoeman, Elsa Karsten and Ronel has been a regular drawcard for fans throughout the country.

The spectacular re-emergence of Anke Erlank in 2004 overturned the established order, but with a focused and well-supported team around her, the “Rooi Rocket” is sure to mark her mark, yet again, in the top echelon of SA women’s cycling.