Former Microsoft teamster, Chris Willemse, Jnr, chalked up the first victory for his new team, CVT/CSC, at the 115km Bouckert–Soenen summer league race in Paarl over the weekend.

Second place in the tight bunch sprint went to Conrad Wentzel (Richard Kane), leaving Conrad Siebritz (Maties) claiming third spot. It was young Chris’s first win since leaving the Johannesburg based Microsoft team to join CVT/CSC in January this year. 
The race started in cool, overcast conditions. However, a strong south-easter made life difficult for the riders on the road into Stellenbosch. Team CVT/CSC made use of the opportunity to attack and at one stage had four riders in the break.

Unfortunately a broken gear forced an early retirement for CVT/CSC team captain, Wesley Cole and the main bunch soon reeled in the CVT/CSC riders. The tough climb up Helshoogte predictably split the field, with Willemse Jnr and Craig Butland slipping in to the main bunch over the summit.
Willemse will be competing in the forthcoming Cape Argus Pick ’n Pay Cycle Tour and Giro del Capo.