Cycling SA has released the details of the penalties imposed on Morne Blignaut at last week’s disciplinary inquiry into the “incident” involving the track star and officials at the Tri-Nations in Bellville last month.
These include a retrospective suspension of six weeks dating back to the Tri-Nations on March 11, 2005 and the stripping of his SA colours for that meeting 

In addition, Blignaut is obliged to undergo within one month, and at his cost, a course with a sports psychologist on anger management. At the completion of the course, a written  report will be submitted by the sports psychologist to Cycling SA.
Blignaut has also been instructed to tender a written public apology for his behaviour at the Tri-Nations.
A further six months suspension, which will itself be suspended for a period of one year, will be imposed for any further contravention of Rule 12.1.005 (bringing the sport into disrepute).
Finally, Blignaut has been fined the Swiss franc equivalent of R2 000 at the exchange rate prevailing on April 12, 2005, and he also has to pay all the legal costs incurred by Cycling SA.